July 2, 1936

July 2, 1936

The new City Hall across the street from the NORMAL and MODEL SCHOOLS was dedicated with the laying of the cornerstone.

January 1, 1929

January 1, 1929

South Vancouver and Point Grey amalgamated with Vancouver to increase the population to 240,000.

The dirty 30’s saw an influx of people from across the country, and in the 1930 the federal and provincial governments agreed to provide relief for the 7000 unemployed in Vancouver.

January 1, 1922

January 1, 1922

Vancouver switched to the right side of the road, and all the while, more and more teachers and students graduated from the NORMAL AND MODEL SCHOOLS.

The Second World War took more students away from the MODEL SCHOOL and the NORMAL SCHOOL than did the First World War.
The students who did attend conducted regular air raid drills with equipment which included gas masks. Victory Gardens were grown throughout the city.